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发布时间:2018-06-29 09:18

  本文选题:地方税法律制度 + 地方税收立法权 ; 参考:《天津财经大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Although some achievements have been made since the implementation of the tax sharing system in 1994, there are still some contradictions and imperfections in the whole local tax system. With the latest revision of the Legislative Law, the principle of taxation law has been basically determined, which is of great significance to the construction of the local tax legal system, which will change the pattern of local tax legislation and law enforcement, and make the study of the local tax legal system more in-depth. First of all, this paper expounds the foundation of the construction of the local tax legal system, probes into the economic and legal theoretical basis for the construction of the local tax legal system, expounds the importance of the construction of the local tax from the dual perspectives of economics and law. The local tax legal system should be brought into the comprehensive discipline to carry on the theoretical discussion. Secondly, combined with the current local tax legal system in China, it reveals the existing problems in three aspects: the legislative power, the legal system and the collection and management system. The main problems include the lack of local tax legislative power and the confusion of implementing organs, the lack of legal authority in the construction of local tax legal system, and the existence of many contradictions in internal regulations. There are some problems in tax collection and management system, such as not sharing information among institutions and increasing the cost of collection. Thirdly, this paper analyzes three different local tax models of America, France and Japan, and sums up the experience that can be used for reference in the construction of local tax legal system in China. Finally, according to the situation of our country and the development degree of market economy, and using the successful tax system experience of developed countries for reference reasonably, this paper puts forward the guiding principles of the system, such as the adaptation of administrative power and financial power, the legalization of taxation and the fairness and efficiency of taxation. Some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to perfect the construction of the local tax legislative power, the local tax legal system and the local tax collection and management system in China.


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