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发布时间:2018-06-30 05:30

  本文选题:反垄断法 + 执法机构 ; 参考:《财经法学》2016年01期

[Abstract]:The nature and duty orientation of anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies have a direct impact on the enforcement effect and authority of anti-monopoly law in China. China's anti-monopoly law enforcement system has not adapted to the new requirements of anti-monopoly law enforcement situation. Anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies are facing many new challenges, such as the new concept of law enforcement duties, the new expansion of law enforcement fields, the mix of cross-enforcement responsibilities, the list of law enforcement agencies' responsibilities, and so on. Only by perfecting our country's anti-monopoly law enforcement system and constructing the normal mechanism of our country's anti-monopoly law enforcement system can we meet the requirements of our government's power list, responsibility list and negative list system. The introduction of the list of anti-monopoly law enforcement responsibilities is not only the basic requirement of amending our country's anti-monopoly law and strengthening the law enforcement responsibility of anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies, but also one of the important safeguard measures for anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies. It is necessary to redefine the status and nature of antitrust agencies and their relationship with the enforcement of law by trade agencies in order to clarify the functions and responsibilities of antitrust law enforcement agencies. Expanding the enforcement authority of the anti-monopoly law enforcement agency, clarifying its law enforcement responsibility list, constructing the normal mechanism of our country's anti-monopoly law enforcement, shaping the authority of our country's anti-monopoly law, strengthening the function of the economic charter of our country's anti-monopoly law, and strengthening the function of the economic charter of our country's anti-monopoly law. Therefore, the anti-monopoly law becomes an important part of the legal system of socialist market economy in our country and the important basis of the market of rule of law in our country.
【作者单位】: 海南大学法学院;


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