本文选题:国有企业 + 西方国家 ; 参考:《知与行》2016年04期
[Abstract]:State-owned enterprises are not unique to socialist countries, and they also widely exist in capitalist countries. Western countries mainly set up state-owned enterprises out of financial, political (and military), economic (economic adjustment), national strategic needs, To develop public utilities to fulfill the government function of survival care and future care and to play the role of social regulation. In order to realize the goal of establishing state-owned enterprises, the western countries generally adopt the classified management mode to state-owned enterprises. There are three main reasons for its classification: first, the objective requirement of fair competition in the market economy to promote the full opening of the market competition; second, based on the different positioning of the national capital objectives, to achieve different goals of state capital; third, to improve the efficiency of management. There are five main ways and bases of classification: first, the way and basis of the establishment of state-owned enterprises, the second is the operating objectives of state-owned enterprises, the third is the market status of state-owned enterprises, the fourth is the degree of state participation in management, and the fifth is the composition of state-owned enterprises' equity rights. In the management of state-owned capital, the western countries mainly adopt a hierarchical management mode, that is, the state only controls a few parent companies, and through the parent company to control a large number of subsidiaries to achieve the purpose of control. The main representative in this respect is the United Kingdom and Singapore. Furthermore, the reform of state-owned enterprises in China should follow the following road: in the reform of state-owned enterprises, the reform and supervision of state-owned enterprises should be based on the different functional orientation of state-owned enterprises, and the reform of state-owned capital should be based on the reform of state-owned capital. The stratified reform and supervision of state-owned capital should be considered based on the different stratification orientation of state-owned capital.
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学法政学院;
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