[Abstract]:As the basic law to maintain and rebuild the credit basis of the market subject, the bankruptcy law must respond to the challenge to the traditional rules posed by the development of the Internet economy. Internet enterprises take patent rights and customer information as the core assets to challenge the disposal of assets in bankruptcy law, mainly in the definition of the property of financing rights, the marketability of customer assets and the disposal of pending contracts. It is possible for the Internet user community to expand the range of stakeholders in the existing insolvency law, and the bankruptcy law needs to provide rules for the participation of new stakeholders in the insolvency proceedings; The innovation of Internet management model based on technology will make debtor's self-management under the supervision of administrator in bankruptcy law become the mainstream mode of business control; the development trend of "Internet" requires the court to go through bankruptcy process. Sequential judicial technological innovation, To reduce the cost of bankruptcy proceedings.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学法学院;
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