[Abstract]:Ascertaining the principle of imputation is the key point of the banking monopoly from the perspective of economics to the perspective of law. The legal imputation of banking monopoly seeks to merge and share among the existing anti-monopoly imputation system and its developing trend. Under the dual background of its own illegal rules and reasonable rules, the complexity of banking monopoly behavior determines the universality and inevitability of the application of reasonable rules. As the key element of the implementation of reasonable rules, the evolution of the relevant standards of foreign banking market reflects the individual debugging of antitrust regulation methods according to the particularity of the banking industry and different stages of development. Therefore, the legal imputation of banking monopoly in our country should be based on reasonable rules, focus on the epochal and scientific nature of the conclusion, and respect the law of the development of banking market.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学法学院;
【基金】:重庆市社会科学规划项目“我国银行业竞争倡导制度研究”(2016BS042) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“开放经济条件下我国虚拟经济运行安全法律保障研究”(14ZDB148)阶段性成果
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