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发布时间:2018-07-25 16:02
[Abstract]:When the court hears the dispute of the damage compensation for credit card falsehood, the validity of the provisions and the share of the damage compensation are determined differently for the cardholder and the credit card issuing bank. According to the legal relationship formed among cardholders, card issuers and special merchants, in order to determine the bearing of the loss of fraudulent use according to the rules on the effectiveness of the payment of the quasi-possessor of the creditor's rights, and to consider the ability of each subject to guard against the risk of fraudulent use, Make policy considerations in special circumstances. In accordance with the status of the issuing bank when entering into a contract with the cardholder, the formal terms of the transfer of responsibility shall be deemed invalid. The special merchant performs the agreement between the credit card issuing bank and the cardholder and is in the position of performing the assistant person's position. The card issuing bank shall bear the losses caused by the false use caused by the failure to pay the credit card checking obligation.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心;


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