[Abstract]:The revised draft for soliciting opinions issued by the Ministry of Communications and Transport adjusts the important highway toll system such as the nature of toll roads, the toll period, and the form of toll collection. Among them, the increase in tolls for the purpose of custody and maintenance after the end of the repayment period of the expressway does not have any basis in the current Highway Law and the Budget Law, nor does it conflict with the relevant prohibition provisions of the current Highway Law. And with the road law established the "fee to tax" process. The "revised draft for soliciting opinions" adjusts the number of years of highway tolling and clarifies the content of the unified toll collection system of provincial governments, because it touches on the distribution of administrative powers and financial responsibilities between the central and local governments in the construction and management of highways. It also involves the important financial issue of converting the debts of the government's highway management enterprises into government debts. In accordance with the legislative reservation requirement of Article 8 of the Legislative Law, it needs to be carried out by way of amending the Highway Law. It is not suitable to be established by the form of modification of administrative laws and regulations.
【作者单位】: 东南大学法学院;
【基金】:作者承担的东南大学交通学院交通运输规划博士后研究项目成果 作者参加的2011年国家社会科学基金重大项目“现代城市交通发展的制度平台与法律保障机制研究”的阶段性研究成果
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