[Abstract]:The intellectual property system is accompanied by the rapid development of science and technology and the commodity economy. However, the practice has proved that, in addition to the positive function of promoting the social and economic development, the operation of the intellectual property system is often caused by the existence of its negative value function. The mode is changing with the rapid development of the socialist market economy, and the various legal systems related to intellectual property are also gradually showing obvious defects and shortcomings in the process of rapid social development. This paper mainly takes the three theories as the theoretical basis of intellectual property right by property rights labor theory, personality theory and incentive theory. The foundation is to combine the three theories and competition law closely, and to interpret the theoretical basis of the legitimacy of the three kinds of intellectual property right from the perspective of competition law. Secondly, through the theoretical basis, we find the concrete contradictions in the actual social existence, such as intellectual property rights and human rights, knowledge monopoly and self competition, the contradiction between intellectual property rights and the right to development, and so on. The theoretical basis, the contradiction performance and the contradiction analysis are combined, and according to the problems expressed in the contradiction analysis of the anti unfair competition law and the antimonopoly law, it gives the aspects of adjusting the subject scope of the object, perfecting the unfair competition behavior, formulating the behavior norm of restricting the adjusting object, defining the supervision responsibility and strengthening the supervision. The research on the legitimacy of intellectual property rights has been a problem that the rapid development of the society has to face. It is impossible to avoid the problem of excessive protection of intellectual property rights and the abuse of intellectual property rights. However, any country can not wait for death in the face of this problem. It is necessary to find the key to the contradiction and grasp the key to the problem. In order to maintain the healthy and stable development of the market economy, the intellectual property system, after all, as a reasonable distribution mechanism of interest, can better realize the legitimacy of the protection of intellectual property rights, after all, as a reasonable distribution mechanism of interests.
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