[Abstract]:At present, the number of Chinese cruise companies is increasing slowly, but the speed is far less than the expansion of foreign cruise companies' market share in China. In order to promote the development of China's cruise market, China encourages foreign investment to enter the Chinese cruise market. Although cruise ships have gone through ten years of development in China, the development of laws is still lagging behind. It is necessary to form an open, orderly and favorable market environment for the development of cruise ships in China, to perfect and refine the market access system for foreign cruise ships in China, and to enhance the ability of shipping administration and management. Foreign cruise market access system is not only an important part of shipping legal system, but also the adjustment content of Shipping Law in the future. It is also the starting point and direction of the supervision of foreign cruise market. The cruise market in our country is a new market in the economic field. The current legal research focuses on how to solve the problem of the protection of passenger's rights and interests, which is also the most urgent practical need. However, due to the lack of experience and the lag of the law, there are very few legal norms on cruise market access in our country at present, and the discussion in academic circles has hardly been carried out around this issue in detail. In view of the continuous growth of the cruise market in our country, the research angle of this paper is from the perspective of future needs, from the cruise, market access and other basic concepts to define the scope of this study. Starting with international law, this paper analyzes the international treaties signed by China to explore the extent of the opening of China's cruise market and the problems to be discussed, and systematically studies the application of the terms of GATS in the maritime services sector. Then it systematically analyzes the current situation of China's foreign cruise market access from the point of view of the regulation of domestic law, and puts forward the existing problems and suggestions in our country's legal system in view of the particularity of the cruise market. Hope for our country foreign-funded cruise market access legal system to provide ideas. The structure of this paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter is the theoretical basis of foreign investment admission in the cruise market, which lays the foundation for the research scope and content of this paper, and points out the particularity of the foreign investment admission; In the second chapter, the author first determines the type of sectors that cruise ships should belong to in international service trade, and then, from the perspective of maritime trade in services, systematically analyzes the current situation of the international environment of the admission of foreign investment in the cruise market and the problems facing it. It has positive significance to the sustainable development of China's cruise industry. The third chapter systematically summarizes the legal status of the admission of foreign investment in China's cruise market, and analyzes the conditions of market access from four types. In the fourth chapter, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the law of foreign investment in China's cruise market in the face of the international and domestic legal environment.
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