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发布时间:2018-08-13 11:48
[Abstract]:The interests of P2P network loan investors are the fundamental driving force of the P2P network lending market. Since the industry entered a period of vigorous development in 2012, the high returns of P2P network loans have attracted a lot of investors to break into P2P network loans alone. The Blue Sea without threshold. In order to discover more abundant high-quality assets, P2P model has rapidly captured one field after another of the financial industry, from the initial simple borrowing to supply chain finance, factoring business, bill finance, The innovation of consumer finance P2P network loan platform on the asset side makes the more professional and more complex asset operation mode, after many layers of packaging, only a few simple indicators, such as expected annual income and maturity, are presented to investors. Information asymmetry has become the most obvious pain point of P2P network loan industry. Lack of access to information, correct risk concept, investment experience and professional financial knowledge of investors encountered the information disclosure system is not perfect, the credit system is not perfect, the regulatory system has not yet formed, but innovation is almost crazy P2P loans. Such as running away, Ponzi scheme, fraud and other extreme cases, investors' property security and other rights are greatly threatened, and investors' weak position is becoming increasingly prominent. Therefore, this paper firstly analyzes that P2P network loan investors belong to the category of financial consumers from the perspective of concept, and from the extension point of view, defines the general investors as the object that needs to be protected, and preliminarily clarifies the weak position of the general investors. Then the second part focuses on the theory of information asymmetry, the irrational behavior of investors, and the limitation of the principle of buyer's conceit, which further explains the necessity of the protection of P2P network loan investors. The third part analyzes the current P2P network loan investors have what rights, focusing on the status of these rights and the causes of the problems in the formation of the existing problems, so as to explain the importance of the current P2P network loan investors protection. At the same time, with the reasons and problems as the starting point, the fourth and fifth parts of this paper, in view of this, in the concept and mode of supervision, dispute resolution mechanism and other aspects of the relevant recommendations, The key points are as follows: the supervision of the industry and the protection of investors should be unified in the ultimate goal of ensuring the market mechanism to play a normal role. These three forms a virtuous circle and the investment talents can benefit eventually. Therefore, starting from the "four red lines" in 2014, regulation has established a "negative list" model, giving the market room for free regulation until the special regulation begins in 2016, and the regulatory policy officially falls to the ground. During this period, the adoption of corresponding measures for the classification of different platforms reflects the flexibility of supervision and respect for market laws, so the implementation of regulatory policies, such as the construction of information disclosure systems, should be carried out step by step. To ensure the normal operation of the market mechanism as the goal. At the same time, in order to effectively protect the rights of investors, we should construct a diversified dispute resolution mechanism that not only conforms to the characteristics of P2P network loan but also can connect with traditional solutions. And should start to set up P2P network loan domain financial ombudsman system to prepare.


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