[Abstract]:The legislation of economic law is faced with the tension between stability and responsiveness. Scholars have been trying to find a balance. Codification is still regarded as one of the main ways out, but the existing theory and practice are not so. By examining the practical logic of the legislative development of economic law, a legislative trend from "theoretical orientation" to "problem orientation" is clearly visible. Civil law and Anglo-American law tend to merge in the domain of economic law, thus "problem-oriented legislation" comes into being, and the theory of "field law" is put forward accordingly. " Problem-oriented legislation "focuses on problems, explores diversely, synthetically considers relevant factors and chooses reasonable solutions." This kind of open thinking with strong practical character can be traced back to argumentology and subject science of law as early as possible and has been gradually strengthened in the current empirical and theoretical research of jurisprudence. In the long run, however, the "problem-oriented legislation" and its "field law" are only an application, which should be based on the deepening and system of the theories of various disciplines. This may endanger the status of legal authority and lead to confusion of legal value and theoretical poverty.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学经济法学院;
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