[Abstract]:The sellers and service providers of network transactions are one of the main bodies of legal relations in network transactions. They are legal persons, natural persons, other organizations or individual industrial and commercial households who have the capacity of right, behavior and responsibility. They are the main body of the service contract of the network trading platform. Under the restriction of the network transaction rules, they trade with the consumers on the network trading platform and provide goods or services. According to the agreement of the network trading platform service contract, the network trade platform provider provides the network shop which it uses, is the virtual property, its ownership belongs to the network transaction platform provider, the seller, the service person has the right of use, And enjoy the right to the name of the network shop. The seller and server shall abide by the rules of transfer of name right and transfer it with the right of use of network shop. A seller, a service provider, is the subject of a network trading contract, a network service contract, and has the obligation to protect the rights of consumers, to enjoy the rights of the contract, to have contractual obligations, and to abide by the rules of the transaction. And shall bear the corresponding responsibilities prescribed by law.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心;中国人民大学法学院;
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