[Abstract]:Tax is the most important revenue of the country. In order to ensure the smooth progress of tax collection, the state has invested a lot of human, material, financial and other costs. However, compared with other developed countries, there is still a certain gap in tax efficiency, and the tax cost is relatively high. With the continuous improvement of our national economy, the number of taxpayers has also increased. The tax authorities can not meet the needs of tax collection and management only by obtaining information from taxpayers and collecting taxpayer information by themselves. In order to achieve the purpose of taxation, it is particularly important for tax authorities to assist tax collection and administration by third parties other than the subject of tax collection. In order to make the tax collection and management system of our country mature at an early date, it is necessary to study the duty of the third party to assist in taxation. Based on the research of relevant scholars and domestic and foreign laws and regulations, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the legal regulation of the obligation of third party assistance in tax collection in China.
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