[Abstract]:The logical starting point of China's economic jurisprudence is the foreign study of "market failure-state intervention", and the traditional research paradigm of Chinese economic jurisprudence is the result of this cognition. However, because of neglecting the social foundation and the practical practice of China, the economic law has fallen into an awkward situation: the power of empowerment and control is insufficient, the substantive surplus procedure is improper, the policy has surplus law insufficiency and so on. The emergence and expansion of Chinese economic law have different logical starting points and target orientations from those of western countries. The theory of economic law needs to be widened and broken through in reality, and the positive interaction between the orientation and the direction of reality should be realized. The reconstruction of the theoretical system of economic law should get rid of the "path dependence" of the traditional paradigm, correct the dislocation of the value of economic law, and realize the adjustment of economic law under the guidance of modest idea-from power intervention to economic rule by law. Realizing the intersection of paradigm and path.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学法学院;中南财经政法大学;
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