[Abstract]:It is very important for state-owned enterprises to take on the important task of promoting financial revenue, promoting the development of national economy and realizing macro-economic control in the socialist market economy of our country. However, with the problems of opaque management, loss of state-owned assets, corruption and so on, it is imperative to perfect the information disclosure system of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises and establish sunshine state-owned enterprises. As a mature modern regulatory system, the information disclosure system is introduced into the field of state-owned enterprises, which is conducive to improve the management opacity, internal control and other issues, to protect the public's right to know, and to allow state-owned enterprises to operate in the sun. This paper consists of four parts: the first part mainly discusses the basic meaning and definition of information disclosure and state-owned enterprises, the theoretical basis of economics angle of information disclosure of state-owned enterprises and the perspective of law. The value of the legal system of information disclosure in state-owned enterprises. The disclosure of information in state-owned enterprises has the value of protecting the basic rights of citizens, realizing the goal of legal value: fairness and efficiency, perfecting the governance of state-owned enterprises, and so on. Lay a theoretical foundation for the following discussion. The second part is the empirical analysis of the information disclosure of the state-owned enterprises in China. Through the observation of the current legal system, the problems in the information disclosure of the state-owned enterprises in China are found from the two aspects of system and practice. The third part mainly analyzes and discusses the information disclosure system of state-owned enterprises in OECD member countries, Singapore and other countries, and tries to introduce the advanced experiences of these countries. It is useful reference and reference for the construction of the legal system of information disclosure of state-owned enterprises in our country. The fourth part is mainly based on the previous investigation to put forward the construction and improvement of the legal system of information disclosure of state-owned enterprises in China, mainly from the legal system construction, basic principles, specific content, legal responsibility and safeguard mechanism. This paper expounds and demonstrates the construction and perfection of the legal system of information disclosure in state-owned enterprises.
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