[Abstract]:In 2013, the Audit Office of our country announced the audit results of local government debt, which shows that the scale of local government debt in China is unprecedented. The reason is that the tax system reform is not complete, the government financing channels are not standardized, the management system is slow, and the legal regulation is not comprehensive enough. After the outbreak of the two financial crises, local governments borrowed on a large scale to stimulate the economy and boost domestic demand, some of which have violated existing laws. At the same time, the risk of local government debt is gradually increasing with the accumulation of debt balance. At present, the research of local government debt in our country is mainly concentrated in the fields of finance, political science and economics, but the research in the field of law is few. In 2014, the new Budget Law was introduced. The legal regulation of local government debt in our country has entered a new stage, and the corresponding implementation policies will come to the stage one after another. This shows that the country has attached importance to the risk of local government debt. On the basis of respecting the previous research results, this paper analyzes the existing legal norms of our country and draws lessons from the successful experiences of foreign countries, from the guarantee, repayment, supervision, risk early warning of local government debt. The six aspects of information disclosure are discussed, and it is believed that as long as the legal regulations in these areas are improved, the risk of local government debt can be effectively prevented.
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