[Abstract]:The principle of positive "proximate cause" is that the insurance liability is determined by non-1 or O, which belongs to the insurance liability of 1 and does not belong to the insurance liability of 0. In the practice of insurance, there is often a middle state between 0 and 1 to varying degrees. At this point, the simple causality theory is difficult to make a clear determination of liability, and this problem can be effectively solved by using the principle of accident attribution. " Let's start with a real case: a resident of A has taken out an accident insurance policy for himself with an insurance company. During the insurance period, A was seriously injured by a truck while driving his motorcycle normally. After being rescued, he was temporarily out of danger. But an open fracture of the right leg caused by a car accident causes sepsis, which can lead to muscle necrosis.
【作者单位】: 中邮人寿保险股份有限公司江苏分公司;中邮人寿保险股份有限公司;
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