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发布时间:2018-11-20 09:25
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology and the progress of society, more and more people choose tourism as the leisure entertainment mode. Tourism has gradually changed from a small industry into an important pillar industry of the national economy. China's tourism resources are very rich, and the tourism market is especially large. However, due to the supporting laws and regulations can not be followed up in time, the legal problems related to tourism in our country have been exposed one after another, especially the protection of tourists' rights and interests. Tourists are the main body of tourism activities and the core of tourism. The protection of tourists' rights and interests is related to the development of the whole tourism industry. Only when the legitimate rights and interests of tourists are well protected, can the tourism industry of our country enter a benign track of development. Under the attention of the public, the Tourism Law of the people's Republic of China was finally issued in 2013, which brought great good news to the tourism market. It classifies and integrates the tourism resources of our country, and puts forward the corresponding protection measures, which not only provides the legal support for the effective supervision of the tourism market, but also provides the legal basis for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the tour operators and tourists. The "Tourism Law" has not only filled the gaps in the laws and regulations related to tourism in China, but also effectively maintained the order of the tourism market. It also stipulates the rights and obligations of all parties, especially stresses the need to severely crack down on the frequent illegal activities in the tourism market, thus providing legal protection for the establishment of a well-ordered tourism environment. However, while the Tourism Law has made great progress, there are still many shortcomings, especially in the protection of the rights and interests of tourists. Although the Tourism Law has given tourists more rights, However, few of them can be implemented, and the rights and interests of tourists are still infringed. This paper takes the newly issued Tourism Law as the starting point, deeply analyzes the causes of the infringement of tourists' rights and interests at present, and puts forward some suggestions for perfection in order to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists in our country.


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