[Abstract]:The Insurance Law of our country stipulates that when concluding an insurance contract, the policyholder fails to fulfill the obligation of informing truthfully, and the insurer enjoys the right of refusing to compensate for the insurance accident that occurs before the termination of the contract, in addition to the right to claim for premium increase and the right to terminate the contract. At the same time, in order to prevent the insurer from abusing the right to terminate the contract, the relevant judicial interpretation also stipulates that the truthful notification of the insured is limited to the "knowing" content when the contract is concluded. In practice, if the policyholder intentionally conceals the relevant information about the subject matter of insurance which he knows, but defends it on the grounds that he is not "knowingly aware", whether the insurer's right to rescind the contract should be restricted or not, etc., will result in controversy. This paper, based on our country's Insurance Law and the relevant provisions of judicial interpretation, takes the vehicle insurance as an example to talk about some of our own understanding.
【作者单位】: 安徽工商职业学院;
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