[Abstract]:On the one hand, bankruptcy procedures have the functions of fair discharge of claims, clearing and ending the relationship between creditor's rights and debts, and market clearing, which the execution procedure does not have. A large number of execution cases with enterprise legal person as executor need to be transferred to bankruptcy for examination; On the other hand, the trial pattern of "big execution, small bankruptcy, strong execution, weak bankruptcy, simple execution, complicated bankruptcy" exists in reality. It is necessary to exert the joint force of execution procedure and bankruptcy procedure to solve the difficulty of execution and to advance bankruptcy trial deeply. In theory, the functions of the two procedures in the investigation, control and disposal of the debtor's property are consistent; because the enterprise bankruptcy law does not set up the simplified bankruptcy procedure, the execution procedure can partly replace the function of the simplified bankruptcy procedure. Combined with the judicial documents recently issued by the Supreme people's Court and the practice of the Zhejiang Court, this paper puts forward some specific system suggestions for perfecting the coordination mechanism between the execution procedure and the bankruptcy procedure: first, to implement the suspension after the bankruptcy case is accepted; The second is to perfect the connection between the property investigation measures in the execution procedure and the property condition investigation in the bankruptcy procedure, and the third is to perfect the connection between the network judicial auction in the execution procedure and the bankruptcy property network auction in the bankruptcy procedure.
【作者单位】: 浙江省高级人民法院民事审判第二庭;
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