[Abstract]:In the United States, in order to meet the needs of their own survival and development, farmers spontaneously formed a cooperative. They explored and created a new form of organization on the basis of the advanced experience of the European Cooperative Fair Pioneer Rochsdale Club. Until the beginning of the 20th century, in the search for antitrust exemptions and tax incentives for agricultural cooperatives, there was no law that reflected this form of organization, through the integration of legislation and case law. Define agricultural cooperative from consciousness to form gradually, promote further vigorous development according to law. The definition practice of agricultural cooperative organization in the United States provides us with the following enlightenment: firstly, the value orientation of antitrust exemption based on the whole society is determined. We should pay attention to the importance of actively using legal means to improve the performance of agricultural cooperative economic organizations, and pay attention to the use of legal means to improve the performance of farmers' cooperative economic organizations. The anti-monopoly exemption of agricultural cooperative economic organization should face the system innovation in practice and establish a clear system of property rights arrangement. Secondly, we should clearly define the exemption of agricultural cooperatives in anti-monopoly law, clarify the precondition for cooperatives to apply anti-monopoly exemption, and draw lessons from the advanced practical achievements of the United States in defining the main body of the legislation of agricultural anti-monopoly exemption in China. To further clarify the scope of application of agricultural antitrust exemption in China; Thirdly, the cooperative anti-monopoly exemption system and the industrial policy are fully combined to make up for the delay of the law; Finally, the application of cooperative anti-monopoly exemption should pay attention to the protection of consumer rights, according to the actual situation, in the agricultural cooperative economic organizations, in the form of legal system norms to determine the periodic review mechanism, In order to improve the anti-monopoly immunity in a major part of the indispensable.
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