[Abstract]:In recent years, the problem of farmers' financing is a hot topic in the field of law, economics and finance. With the development of new rural economy in our country, the difficulty of farmers' financing has become an important factor restricting the development of "agriculture, countryside and farmers". So to solve the problem of rural farmers financing is the key to solve the problem of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Rural areas and agriculture have entered the development period of the Thirteenth five-year Plan and are facing the great historical task of deepening the rural reform. With the development of economy, the increase of farmers' demand for funds, on the contrary, the lack of collateral for farmers, coupled with the lack of rural financial supply, the government's policy support and implementation of imperfect and other issues. The shortage of farmers' funds has become an important factor that restrains the growth of agricultural economy and the increase of farmers' income. The problem of rural financial system and rural economic development is more prominent. The effective solution of farmers' financing dilemma can not be lack of policy support and legal protection. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the legal problems existing in farmers' financing to coordinate the relationship among farmers, governments and financial institutions, and to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Based on the related theory of farmers' financing, this paper analyzes the performance of regional farmers' financing predicament, the present supply situation of rural financial market, explores the inherent legal reasons of farmers' financing difficulties, and puts forward relevant legal and policy suggestions for these reasons. In order to ease farmers financing difficulties, promote better and faster development of rural financial markets. This article is divided into four parts: the first part is the farmer financing problem in the view of the "three rural" problem, and briefly describes the relevant law and policy theory of rural financial development. This paper holds that the solution of farmers' financing dilemma plays a very important role in solving the financing problem of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The second part is the analysis of the present situation of farmers' financing in our country. Through combing the successful experiences of farmers' financing in the developed rural areas, it is impossible to generalize the solution to the current difficulties of farmers' financing. In the third part, the legal reasons of farmers' financing dilemma are discussed in detail from three aspects: civil law, financial law and farmer's professional cooperative law. In the fourth part, aiming at the financing dilemma of farmers and the legal reasons, the author puts forward legal policy suggestions to solve the financing dilemma of farmers, mainly from perfecting legislation, "two rights" mortgage, perfecting rural financial market service, and establishing agricultural insurance system. Strengthen supervision and other aspects.
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