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发布时间:2019-01-16 08:54
[Abstract]:Since its implementation, Anti-unfair Competition Law has made outstanding contributions in regulating unfair competition, maintaining the stability of market economy and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. With the development of science and technology, the convenience and comfort of people's life have been greatly improved, and the most prominent point is the emergence of the network. With the rapid development of science and technology, the Internet has entered thousands of households, more and more people are used to online entertainment, shopping, network market gradually formed, the network economy has become an important part of the market economy. The fierce competition in the network market is not inferior to that in the traditional market. Different from the traditional market, the competitive means adopted by the network operators tend to have a very high technological content. Of course, there is no lack of unfair competition for the benefit of any means. It is emerging from the emerging market and has a high technological content, making the regulation of unfair competition on the network facing great difficulty in practice. These difficulties not only come from the high technology and concealment of the means of conduct, but also the law enforcers are faced with the dilemma of "unable to abide by", because there is not enough clear stipulation on these unfair competition behaviors in our country's law. With the help of the Internet, the harm caused by this kind of behavior is deeper and wider than that in the traditional market. How to deal with the network unfair competition and punish the network unfair competition behavior, the market has put forward the question to us. To solve this problem, we should analyze the unfair competition behavior in the network market, not only the types of these behaviors, but also the causes and harm. In this way, we can be more targeted and feasible when formulating countermeasures. This paper is divided into seven parts. The first chapter introduces the background, significance and academic review of the research, and introduces the research ideas and methods. Today, the Internet has a deep impact on people's life, the network unfair competition behavior frequently appears in the people's vision, so it has a profound theoretical and practical significance to conduct in-depth research on it. The second chapter expounds the characteristics of the network market, the types of the network unfair competition behavior and the characteristics of the network unfair competition behavior different from other unfair competition behavior, and analyzes in detail several kinds of typical unfair competition behavior. The third chapter introduces the actual situation of the regulation of unfair competition on the network in our country, and points out that the legislation, the judicature and the law enforcement in our country need to be improved. In the fourth chapter, we summarize the experience of the United States, Japan and Germany in the anti-network unfair competition behavior. There are a lot of things that we can learn from, such as the provisions of Germany giving consumer groups the right of action, and so on. In the fifth chapter, the author gives his own opinion on how to identify the network unfair competition from the subject and object of the network unfair competition. The sixth chapter summarizes the previous discussion and draws lessons from the foreign advanced regulatory experience, and puts forward its own shallow understanding, hoping to contribute to the regulation of unfair competition in the network. At the end of the article, the author holds great confidence in the revision of the Anti-unfair Competition Law and hopes to see the regulation of unfair competition on the Internet in the revised law.


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