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发布时间:2019-01-27 08:54
[Abstract]:At present, the legal act of subentrustment of maritime freight forwarder is not uncommon in China, and the legal disputes involved in it have a growing trend. Because the legal system of freight forwarding in China involves the legal system of freight forwarder in common law system and that of civil law system respectively, there is disharmony and disconnection in the application of law. However, the current legal provisions on freight forwarding in our country can not be adjusted effectively, and the legal disputes of forwarding freight forwarders cannot be resolved in practice. For this reason, this paper takes the legal behavior of maritime freight forwarding as the research object, and makes use of the basic theory of the legal system of entrustment and agency to classify the legal act of subcommission of maritime freight forwarder. The legal nature, the legal status of the parties and the legal responsibility of the parties are discussed respectively, so as to construct a complete and rigorous legal system for the subcommission of maritime freight forwarders. The first chapter defines the research object of this paper, defines the concept and type of maritime freight forwarding behavior, the concept and type of subcommission, and at the same time expounds the internal and external relationship of the subcommission, which lays a foundation for the following discussion. In chapter 2, by analyzing the current legislative situation and judicial trial status of freight forwarding subcommission in China, the author finds out the two problems caused by freight forwarding subcommission in China, one is the imperfect legislation, and the other is that the related legislation is not perfect. The other is the unclear understanding of legal relations. Chapter 3 analyzes the inherent legal relationship of freight forwarder, and divides the legal relationship of freight forwarder into two types: compound agent and disciplinary law. In chapter 4, the author solves the problems in practice by perfecting the legal norm of freight forwarder subcommission and perfecting the presumption of fault of freight forwarder.


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