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发布时间:2019-02-19 13:59
[Abstract]:For a long time, the tobacco industry in our country has been concerned by all walks of life because of the high profit of administrative monopoly and the harm of tobacco advocated by mainstream media. In essence, the administrative monopoly of the tobacco industry violates the voluntary and equal rules of market transactions, undermines the competitive order of the competition, unity, order and openness of the market, and directly hinders the formation of a unified and open large market throughout the country. It limits the international competitiveness of Chinese tobacco industry. The purpose of this paper is to study the regulation of administrative monopoly in tobacco industry, and put forward corresponding scientific strategies based on the practical experience of various countries. Based on the Chinese tobacco monopoly system, this paper studies the management mode of tobacco industry at home and abroad and the basic situation of tobacco industry in China. Firstly, the paper expounds the performance of administrative monopoly in tobacco industry in China, analyzes the causes, and thinks that it mainly comes from three aspects: traditional value concept, benefit distribution result and government intervention. At the same time, the disadvantages are analyzed: local protection in macro aspect, tobacco farmers in micro aspect, tobacco commercial enterprises, cigarette retail customers and consumers' own behavior. Secondly, by combing the administrative monopoly regulation practice of Japan, European Union and America, the author summarizes the three enlightenments of administrative monopoly regulation in China's tobacco industry: reforming government regulation mode and introducing market competition mechanism. Improve the system of laws and regulations, and lead to the use of anti-monopoly law to regulate the administrative monopoly of tobacco industry. Finally, in view of these specific conditions, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures from the aspects of breaking the industrial and industrial administrative monopoly: separating the government from the enterprise, adjusting the fiscal and taxation system, establishing the regional big group, establishing the independent brand, and "going out" strategy. Legal means After the third Plenary session of the 18 th Central Committee, monopoly industry market-oriented reform has sounded the horn. Faced with the impact of the times, the reform of the tobacco industry is also imperative. How to clarify the relationship between tobacco administrative monopoly and anti-monopoly law, so as to provide a scientific implementation path for tobacco industry regulation, has reached the point of urgency! Although the opinion of the article is not mature, it still hopes to help the country to carry out the reform of tobacco industry.


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