[Abstract]:Since the rise of the third-party electronic payment, the legal problems emerge one after another, and the relevant legislation is also constantly improved. Depending on the dependence of its network technology, there are inevitable risks to third-party electronic payment in reality. However, the complexity of the legal relationship between the parties makes it difficult to effectively define and allocate the civil risks in the event of payment errors. The current relevant legislation of our country is mainly based on the clear supervision of the whole industry by the competent department and the regulation of the order of electronic payment industry, and the definition and distribution of civil liability are also lacking in clear regulations. Therefore, the distribution of civil liability exists in the third party electronic payment in our country. In order to explore the solving mechanism of this problem, this paper will be based on judicial practice and basic theory. This paper analyzes the deficiency of the distribution of civil liability in the third party electronic payment in China, and puts forward some suggestions to solve this problem. The structure of this paper is as follows: the first part is the issue of the distribution of civil liability in the third party electronic payment. Through the analysis of typical cases between third-party electronic payment institutions and users in practical judicial practice, it is pointed out that there are still great disputes in the settlement of such disputes in our country. At the same time, this paper introduces the current mode of the third-party electronic payment in China, and analyzes the problems and shortcomings in solving the civil liability distribution of the third-party electronic payment, that is, the imperfection of the legislation in the related fields. The identification of the legal relationship between the two sides is not uniform, and the imputation of civil liability in the field of electronic payment is uncertain. The second part is to clarify the civil legal relationship and the rights and obligations between the parties in the third party electronic payment. Firstly, it is clear that the legal nature of the third-party electronic payment institution in China is "non-financial payment institution", so its rights and obligations in the whole payment are different from the financial institutions. Secondly, this paper analyzes the legal relationship between the subjects under different payment modes, especially according to various academic theories, puts forward that the two sides constitute the agency relationship and the special guarantee legal relationship in the credit guarantee type virtual account model, and then analyzes the legal relationship between the two parties under different payment modes, especially according to various theories in academic circles. And in the direct payment type virtual account mode constitutes the bilateral agent behavior. Finally, according to the legal relationship between each subject, the rights and obligations between the payment institution and the user and the bank are clearly defined. The third part defines the distribution of civil liability in third-party electronic payment. Firstly, based on the theory of civil liability imputation, this paper discusses the principle of liability imputation and the constituent elements of liability in third-party electronic payment. Secondly, the paper points out the distribution of civil liability in the electronic payment error of third party in view of the actual payment error. Finally, from the perspective of comparative law, this paper analyzes the experience of responsibility distribution in electronic payment errors in Europe and the United States, and compares the differences between China and foreign countries. The fourth part puts forward some suggestions for the improvement and perfection of the distribution of civil liability in the electronic payment of the third party in China. On the one hand, from the legislative improvement ideas, put forward our country in the third-party electronic payment legislation and other civil related legislation in the specific improvement of specific recommendations; On the other hand, this paper discusses the extension of the user's right of defense to payment in the third-party electronic payment in order to meet the needs of the civil liability in the real electronic payment.
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