[Abstract]:As the development of the company tends to collectivize, the related transactions between companies also show the diversification of interests. According to the subjective motivation of the parties involved in the transaction and the increase or decrease of the interest, the connected transaction can be divided into the related transaction with the same interest and the connected transaction with the conflict of interest. If the motivation of related transaction is different, the object of infringement and the corresponding regulation method are also different. The members of the enterprise group have not only the link of capital, but also the link of personnel, management and so on. Therefore, the double governance phenomenon of shareholders (large) and board of directors is common in the enterprise group. Compared with the general affiliated enterprises, the degree of interest combination among the members of the enterprise group is higher, so in the enterprise group, the related transactions with the same interests occur more frequently. The identification of related parties and affiliated enterprises is the first problem to regulate related transactions. The scope of cognizance of affiliated enterprises or related parties is different in different professional fields, and the reason for this difference is that the emphasis of regulation in different fields is different. Although the company law of our country does not directly define the related person, it defines the related relationship from the angle of the related person. The definition makes "connected person" become only the "medium" of related transaction, and neglects that the related person may also become the subject of related transaction. In the listing rules of Shanghai and Shenzhen, affiliated persons are divided into "connected natural persons" and "affiliated legal persons". The listing rules of Hong Kong Stock Exchange define the scope of affiliated persons in the form of detailed enumerations of "connected persons". The joint-stock company law of Germany has legislated the affiliated enterprises in the form of a special chapter, and the Taiwan region has also used this legislative model for reference, and has set up a chapter on "relational enterprises" in the "company law", and has directly defined the related enterprises. Fundamentally speaking, the regulation of related transactions of enterprise groups is essentially a problem of corporate governance. On the basis of clarifying the relationship between "affiliated person" and "affiliated enterprise", the regulation of related transaction with the same interests of enterprise group should adjust the corporate governance mode accordingly, especially by restricting the authority of the trading party in the related transaction. At the same time, the role of external regulators and intermediaries should be further strengthened. In addition, on the judicial level, the third party outside the transaction should be given a lighter burden of proof taking into account the particularity of the related transaction.
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