[Abstract]:Recently, China Insurance Regulatory Commission promulgated the interim measures on retrospective Management of Insurance sales behavior. The retrospective management system aims to ensure the healthy development of the insurance industry and regulate the misleading problem of insurance sales. The value basis of the system lies in the protection of consumers' right to know and the realization of insurance consumer autonomy. The function of this system is to standardize the contracting behavior of the insurance industry, improve the consumption rationality of insurance consumers and promote the effective settlement of insurance disputes. Its implementation focuses on defining the insurer as the main enforcement agency, defining the contracting actions of sales personnel and ensuring the legality and effectiveness of information collection. In a word, the implementation of retroactive management system plays an important role in the protection of insurance consumers' rights and interests in perfecting the information environment of contracting, clarifying the process of contracting, raising the illegal cost of sales personnel, and retaining evidence materials for insurance consumer disputes.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;
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