[Abstract]:After the introduction of product recall system into China, after 10 years of development, there are still many shortcomings. Sanlu toxic milk powder incident shows that without mandatory rules, the effect of product recall system is not satisfactory. Therefore, we must perfect our product recall system from the angle of mandatory rules. The main contents are as follows: first, perfect the compulsory recall of our country, establish the public interest litigation of product recall in our country, and let the people's court decide whether to force the production enterprise to recall the defective product or not. The second is to perfect punitive damages, unify the upper limit of punitive damages, scientifically determine the calculation standard of punitive damages, and pay attention to distinguish between intentional and negligent acts when applying punitive damages. Third, perfect the administrative penalty in the product recall system and establish a unified standard for the calculation of administrative penalty.
【作者单位】: 桂林电子科技大学法学院;
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