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发布时间:2019-05-27 15:32
[Abstract]:With the development of China's economy and the implementation of "going out" strategy, the amount of overseas investment of Chinese residents is also increasing year by year, and overseas investment has become another way for Chinese resident enterprises to go to the world after export. This not only provides more space for the development of Chinese resident enterprises and creates more income tax on overseas investment for our country, but also makes the international double taxation and international tax avoidance more serious in our country. This also poses a new challenge to the legal system of overseas investment income tax in China. In order to meet the requirements of the new economic situation, China has revised the individual income tax Law, the Enterprise income tax Law and its related domestic tax laws, and made some new provisions in eliminating international double taxation and regulating international tax avoidance. However, due to the late start of the research in this area, there are still many shortcomings in the current legal system of overseas investment income tax in our country. This is not only not conducive to the development of overseas investment in China, but also is not conducive to the maintenance of income tax interests of overseas investment in China. This paper takes the current legal system of overseas investment income tax in China as the research object, and studies it from two aspects: eliminating international double taxation and evading international tax avoidance. In order to promote the healthy and sustainable development of overseas investment in China and safeguard the tax interests of overseas investment income tax in China, the legal system of overseas investment income tax in China is improved. First of all, this paper discusses the basic theory of overseas investment income tax law, and leads to the necessity of studying and perfecting the current legal system of overseas investment income tax in China. Secondly, this paper analyzes the current legal system of overseas investment income tax in China, and points out the problems existing in the tax practice of our country, such as the conflict between the national quota credit law and the indirect limit credit law. It is prohibited to complement domestic profits and overseas losses in violation of the principle of tax fairness, and the proportion of shares held by the indirect limit credit system for transnational dividends is too high. Thirdly, the legal system of overseas investment income tax in the United States, Japan and some developing countries is analyzed, and the common points in the research and legislative process of other countries in this area are summarized, as well as the enlightenment to the relevant legislative work in our country. Finally, based on the basic theory of the legal system of overseas investment income, in view of the shortcomings of the current legal system of overseas investment income tax in China, and drawing lessons from the experience in the legislative practice of overseas investment income tax in other countries, It is suggested that the quota credit method of "sub-country" should be adopted to allow domestic profits and overseas losses to complement each other, reduce the shareholding ratio of the transnational dividend indirect credit system and increase the time requirement of shareholding, and distinguish "negative income" from the CFC tax system. In order to perfect the legal system of overseas investment income tax in China, we should perfect the legislation of anti-application tax agreement and the "key hypothesis" of APA tax system.


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