[Abstract]:Shareholder activism has become a hot issue of corporate governance, and there is a lot of controversy at the same time. In recent years, with the enhancement of the strength of institutional investors, the awareness of shareholders is becoming more and more awakened, and gradually changed from "voting with the foot" to "voting by hand" and actively participating in the governance of the company. However, due to many problems in the corporate structure of our country, the development of shareholder positivism is facing various subjective and objective obstacles. Therefore, on the basis of the basic theoretical analysis of the positive behavior of shareholders, combined with the analysis method of enterprise management performance in economics, this paper evaluates the present situation of shareholder activism in our country by constructing the dynamic evaluation index system of shareholders. In order to provide feasible suggestions for promoting the development of shareholder activism from the aspects of law, system, policy and so on. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper can be divided into the following three parts: the first part: interpretation of the meaning of shareholder positivism. Although there is no unified explanation of shareholder positivism at home and abroad, combined with the existing research, shareholder positive behavior is essentially the process of shareholders exercising shareholders' rights. The motivation of shareholders to intervene in the company is pluralistic, either because of the maximization of shareholder value, or out of obtaining legitimacy, or out of social responsibility, and so on. At the same time, shareholders are active in a variety of ways, mainly involving participation in shareholder meetings, shareholders put forward bills and so on. The second part: the empirical study of shareholder activism. On the basis of combining the performance evaluation system of economics and management enterprises, this paper constructs the index system, including ownership structure, control structure, shareholder proposal, attending shareholders' meeting and so on. This paper makes a non-financial statistical study on the positive practice of China and related countries, and analyzes the relevant statistical results. The third part: the construction and perfection of the system related to shareholder positivism in our country. First of all, this paper makes a dialectical analysis of the problems reflected in the above empirical results. Then, in view of the problems in the active practice of shareholders in our country, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the construction of the new system, the perfection of the old system, and puts forward some suggestions for strengthening the shareholders' rights and giving full play to the role of institutional investors.
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