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发布时间:2018-01-11 21:30

  本文关键词:论审查起诉阶段证据审查制度的不足与完善 出处:《广东财经大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刑事冤假错案 证据审查制度 制度完善

[Abstract]:In recent years, there have been cases of rape and homicide in Inner Mongolia, robberies by Xu Jinglin, burglaries, murders of wife she Xianglin, rape and murder by Wang Shuhong, robberies by Chen Guoqing in Chengde, Hebei Province, and intentional homicide by Li Jiuming in Tangshan. The repeated occurrence of a series of false and wrong cases, such as Qin Yanhong rape case in Anyang, Henan Province, makes our judicial justice and legal credibility face unprecedented challenges. Scholars both at home and abroad have done profound research on how to prevent unjust false cases. The research results of my predecessors give me great inspiration and help. The case of false and false is also the failure case of evidence review in criminal cases. The author tries to combine the practical work. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the participants in criminal proceedings and reduce the false and wrong cases, the author studies how to perfect the evidence review system in the stage of reviewing and prosecuting. The author of this paper, on the basis of the previous research results, combing the relevant concepts and theories, combined with the review of prosecution work practice. This paper analyzes the shortcomings and causes of the evidence review system in the stage of reviewing and prosecuting in our country, and puts forward some suggestions and working ideas on how to perfect the examination system of evidence in the stage of examination and prosecution after summing up and summing up. The aim is to improve the quality of evidence examination in criminal cases, to protect the legal rights and interests of the participants in criminal proceedings, to reduce the misdeeds and wrongs to a greater extent, and to maintain the judicial credibility.


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