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发布时间:2018-01-12 23:13

  本文关键词:论通过司法程序制定公共政策——兼论最高人民法院司法解释模式的转型 出处:《政治与法律》2015年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 公共政策 政策制定的合法化 司法程序

[Abstract]:The nature of the judicial process and the continuous emergence of modern litigation determines that modern courts not only perform the traditional function of dispute resolution. And it is necessary to take on the function of making public policy. Although this function has attracted the attention of many scholars in our country, they often pay more attention to the rationality of public policy itself. However, little attention is paid to the legitimacy of public policy formation process. Summing up the experience of modern rule of law, whether it is the direct interpretation or creation of the law, or in the outcome of the judgment indirectly indicates the tendency of public policy. Modern courts follow the track of judicial procedures to formulate public policies. The Supreme people's Court through judicial interpretation of the way to formulate public policies, not only against the exercise of judicial power. And contrary to the basic principles of public policy formulation, the Supreme people's Court should abandon the current judicial interpretation. In the context of the reform of the current two-instance system of final appeal to ensure that it through the judicial process to formulate public policy.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学法学院;
【正文快照】: 一、问题的提出自从1951年拉斯维尔(Lasswell)和勒纳(Lerner)发表《政策科学:范围与方法的新发展》以来,公共政策(public policy)日益成为社会科学研究中的一个热门话题。尽管目前公共政策已经发展成为独立的学科或者学术领域,但是由于公共政策涉及社会科学的方方面面,因此公


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1 李丽静;郑州市全面清理村规民约[N];中国社会报;2007年

2 记者 童海华;试运行一年后正式定价[N];中国经济导报;2008年

3 潘燕邋实习生 姬晓琼;村规民约不得损害村民权益[N];郑州日报;2007年




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