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发布时间:2018-01-16 11:52

  本文关键词:论我国民事诉讼当事人陈述 出处:《广东财经大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 当事人陈述 当事人询问 当事人听取 真实义务 协力义务

[Abstract]:The statements of the parties is an important part of civil procedure, its function is to give full play to the program and the result of lawsuit justice has an important influence. The function of the statements of the parties to the child is father of the man, as the breakthrough point, combined with the true obligation of the parties, the duty to provide reasonable suggestions for the parties'statement in China. In addition to the introduction. The main body consists of four parts, as follows: the first chapter is "the theoretical analysis of the statements of the parties and positioning. The main analysis of the statement of the party constitution, the function and the nature, to make a micro analysis of the statements of the parties, the parties will be made in the litigation process is divided into evidence and statements of the parties' statements. The statements of the parties and to explore its function, do good to pave the way for the construction of the parties'statement below. The second chapter is" China's civil litigation Chen Analysis of the present situation and causes. Through the analysis of the functional approach, analyzes the dilemma of our party's statement, a breakthrough in China's exploration of the statements of the parties to play its function in civil litigation. The third chapter is the comparison and Inspiration of "extraterritorial" statements of the parties. By comparison, through the comparison of the Anglo American law system and continental law legislation, referring to foreign contries'system from the statements of the parties, to provide ideas for the construction of the parties'statement in China. The fourth chapter is "the establishment of the parties'statement in China's proposal." through the method of theory with practice to discuss the parties'statement in China is the modernization of the rule of law to release around the party's statement in the design of specific system function, establish the true obligation of the parties, the duty, into the system and asked the parties to listen to the system, and set the The relevant supporting system of the person's statement makes it give full play to the function of case fact and evidence proof function.



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