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发布时间:2018-01-23 10:47

  本文关键词: 财产报告 性质 执行听证 债务人名录 出处:《河南大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The property report system of civil executors is a new system when the civil procedural law was amended in 2007. The difficulty of knowing the property of the executor has always been one of the most critical and urgent problems in the implementation of the system. In the process of execution, the executor is the owner of his own property, and no one knows his property status better than his. Can report their own property situation through the debtor, solve the implementation of the debtor property information difficult to obtain. However, this system has not played its original intention since the establishment of the system. In the process of application has also been a mere formality, reduced to a paper obligation. On the one hand, the reason is that the nature of the system is doubtful, and it is difficult to verify whether the property reported by the executor is true or not. And the punishment for violating this obligation is weak. How to solve the above problem. And how to make this system really play its due role needs us to re-discuss and ponder. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part. This paper summarizes the current legislative situation and practical application of the property report system of the person subjected to execution, and analyzes its reasons. At present, the main problem of the property report system of the person executed in our country is the confusion of the applicable procedure. The application rate is low and the executor does not report or report truthfully. The main reason for the confusion of the application procedure is that the nature of the system is not clear the main body of the report and the scope of the property report. The provisions on starting subject are not clear; The reason of low application rate and non-reporting or untruthful report is that it is difficult for the executor to prove and verify the breach of his obligation after reporting the property information, and the deterrent effect to the breach of this obligation is weak. Part two. The system of property disclosure in foreign countries and regions can be divided into two modes, one is to use it as the end of enforcement and the other is the supplementary procedure. Second, it should be regarded as the beginning of enforcement and the independent procedure. On the proof of the disclosure information of the executor's property, the corresponding interrogation system is adopted to prove whether the information of the executed property is true or not. In the consequences of punishment there are more severe legal sanctions and credit sanctions. The third part analyzes the enlightenment of foreign countries and regional legislation to our country. In the institutional nature of the choice of independent discovery of property information of the debtor mode, analysis of the court inquiry to verify whether the property report of the executor is true or not. And our country needs to strengthen punishment on the deterrent effect, and the necessity of docking with credit sanctions. 4th part, on the basis of the third part. The author thinks that our country should further clarify the nature of property reporting system, and on this basis, make clear the subject, scope and reporting procedure of property report. In order to solve the problem of the difficulty of investigation and verification, the paper puts forward the system of hearing the property report of the executor in order to analyze the feasibility and necessity of the docking between the breach of reporting obligation and the crime of refusing to carry out the crime. How to docking with credit sanctions put forward specific recommendations.


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