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发布时间:2018-01-23 17:31

  本文关键词: 不侵权确认之诉 诉讼标的 当事人适格 管辖 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:When case 1, case 2 describes the situation, how to protect their legitimate rights and interests. Yixing case is to further promote the recognition of non-tort into the litigation, which is the reality of the non-tort confirmation into the litigation basis. The independent action of non-tort confirmation has eliminated the "infringer" state of unease. To ensure the exercise of the right of action of the "infringer", to give play to the advantages of public relief, and to ensure the unique value of optimizing the input and output of the "infringer". The existence of these values reinforces the evidence of this kind of litigation in theory. As the basis for the determination of the object of the action, the new dichotomy theory is introduced into the action of non-tort confirmation, so that the content of the subject matter of the lawsuit can be determined. The application of the litigation standard can effectively identify the repeated prosecution to avoid the flood of this kind of litigation. After the lawsuit of non-tort confirmation enters the trial stage, the interests of the lawsuit are introduced to judge the suitability of the parties. Further achieve the purpose of limiting this kind of litigation to the reasonable scale and scope. The determination of the jurisdiction of the court the burden of proof the burden of proof the adjustment of the statute of limitations of the action the expression of the main judgment. This paper probes into the definition of objective scope of res judicata and puts forward some corresponding solutions which can be used in practice.


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