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发布时间:2018-01-27 23:29

  本文关键词: 侵权行为 流浪动物 责任主体 一般侵权责任 免责事由 出处:《湖南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Many problems caused by stray animals have a great impact on society. More and more attention has been paid to the various countries. Qiao Mou's case of compensation for damage caused by feeding stray animals is a typical case of stray animals wounding. The focus of the dispute is how to identify the subject of animal tort liability. The defendant Qiao how to determine the tort liability, the plaintiff Xiao Mou whether there is fault. "Tort liability Law" stipulates that the main body of animal tort liability is the breeders or managers. However, there is no uniform standard for the definition of the two. Especially in the case of human damage caused by stray animals, it is difficult to determine the subject of responsibility because of the instability and mobility of stray animals. Whether the defendant Qiao is a stray cat keeper or manager, in addition to the difference between feeding behavior and feeding behavior, can also be based on two criteria. That is, the use of animals for their own interests and the right to decide on animals. The defendant Qiaomou only feeding, the feeding of stray cats is not for their own interests, and there is no control and control over stray cats. Therefore the defendant Qiao is not the keeper or manager of stray animals. In the process of determining the responsibility of the defendant Qiao should be analyzed from the perspective of general tort liability. In this case. The defendant, Qiao Mou, did not have the fault of harming the civil rights and interests of others to feed stray cats out of love, and this feeding behavior did not violate the obligations of the law or infringe on other legal interests. It is impossible to say that there is a causal relationship between the feeding behavior and the damage suffered by the plaintiff Xiao. Therefore, the defendant Qiao Mou does not constitute a general infringement. Do not need to assume tort liability. The subject of this case is the residential property service company. According to the property Management regulations and property service contract, the residential property service company has the protection of the owner person. The obligation of property safety. However, in this case, the residential property service company failed to take measures to manage stray cats, resulting in the fact that the owner suffered damage. On the one hand, Xiao's dog was a large dog, and he was not chained when he went out. On the other hand, in the fight against cats and dogs, the plaintiff Xiao misbehaved and kicked the stray cat. Thus triggered the attack of stray cats. The plaintiff did not expect or allow the damage to occur intentionally, but failed to fulfill its due obligations. Therefore, there is a victim's fault mitigation of liability. The responsibility of the responsible person shall be reduced accordingly.


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