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发布时间:2018-01-31 00:45

  本文关键词: 重金属污染 健康损害 诉讼救济 出处:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,重金属污染导致的人体健康损害问题变得愈加严重,成为了大众关注的焦点。重金属污染事故致害极易造成公害,也就是说受害人范围广泛且不特定,随之而来的后果是很大一部分利害关系人不能得到切实的赔偿,其合法权益不能得到有效的保障。然而,却鲜有受害者采取诉讼救济的方式来维护自己的权益。究竟是什么原因导致了这一矛盾现象的产生,以及现行的诉讼机制需要克服哪些问题才能更好地帮助重金属污染受害者捍卫权益值得大家深思。 本文以重金属污染致健康损害诉讼救济为研究对象,在理论分析和实证分析的基础上,与日本公害诉讼制度进行横向比较分析。主要内容包含以下几个方面: 第一,重金属污染致健康损害诉讼救济概述。这部分内容分别介绍了重金属污染、健康损害的含义、重金属污染与健康损害之间的关系以及与其他类型污染的比较,并在此基础上阐述重金属污染致健康损害诉讼救济的概念、特点、意义,以此突出诉讼救济的必要性。 第二,论述重金属污染致健康损害诉讼救济的理论依据和现实基础,如相关的因果关系理论、健康权理论、权利救济理论。现实基础则以我国当前发生的多起重金属污染事故为起点,对此类污染导致健康损害的严峻形势首先进行感性认识,而后分析在数量上与之形成鲜明对比的诉讼情况,进而指出在处理此类案件时,现行诉讼救济方式存在的种种障碍,若不能予以及时、妥善地处理,将会不利于受害者合法权益的保护。 第三,重点介绍日本的公害诉讼,总结出先进经验,如在公害诉讼过程中动员社会力量、突破“因果关系”认定瓶颈、完善赔偿制度等,为我国重金属污染致健康损害诉讼救济的完善提供参考。 第四,以上述内容为基础,从明确重金属污染致害救济意识、对重金属污染致害诉讼救济进行制度建设、程序建设、加强社会监督四个大方面提出建议。包括塑造正确的权利救济意识、运用疫学因果关系认定方式、适用特殊的评判标准、寻求更多专业支持等内容。 重金属污染致健康损害诉讼救济将使我国对环境侵权受害人的救济机制趋于完善。诉讼救济作为权利保障的最后一道防线应发挥其切实保障相关受害者正当权益的效用,同时也是健全我国的环境法律责任体系,是社会进步和发展的重要体现。
[Abstract]:In recent years, human health damage caused by heavy metal pollution problem has become increasingly serious, has become the focus of public attention. The heavy metal pollution accidents caused by pollution is caused extremely easily, that is to say the victim a wide range and not specific, the consequences are a large part of the interested party can not effectively compensation, their legitimate rights and interests can not be effectively the security. However, few victims to take action to remedy the ways to protect their own interests. What is the cause of this contradiction phenomenon, and the current lawsuit mechanism which need to overcome problems in order to better help the victims to defend the rights and interests of heavy metal pollution it is worth pondering.
Based on the theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, this paper carries out a horizontal comparative analysis with the Japanese public nuisance litigation system. The main contents include the following aspects.
First, the heavy metal pollution induced health damage litigation overview. This part introduces the meaning of heavy metal pollution, health damage, compare the relationship between heavy metal pollution and health damage, and other types of pollution, the concept, and elaborated on the basis of health damage caused by heavy metal pollution litigation characteristics, highlighting the significance, necessity the lawsuit relief.
Second, the heavy metal pollution induced health damage discusses theoretical basis and practical basis of litigation, such as the relative causation theory, theory of right to health, the right relief theory. Based on the reality of our current multi heavy metal pollution accident as the starting point, the grim situation caused damage to the health of such pollution first perceptual knowledge, then analysis of litigation cases in the number of contrast, and then pointed out that in dealing with such cases, the obstacles existing mode of litigation, if it can not be timely and properly handled, the protection will not conducive to the lawful rights and interests of victims.
Third, we mainly introduce the public nuisance litigation in Japan, and summarize the advanced experience, such as mobilizing social forces in the process of public nuisance litigation, breaking the bottleneck of "causality", improving the compensation system, and so on, so as to provide references for the improvement of China's heavy metal pollution induced health damage litigation remedy.
Fourth, based on the above, clear from the heavy metal pollution damage caused by the relief of consciousness, heavy metal pollution damage caused by the lawsuit relief system construction, construction procedures, strengthen social supervision suggestions in four aspects. Including shaping the correct sense of rights relief, the epidemiology of causation, criteria for special, seek more professional support and so on.
The heavy metal pollution induced health damage relief will make our relief system for victims of environmental torts litigation tends to perfection. The last line of defense is to protect the rights of victims should give full play to the effective protection of legitimate rights and interests of the relevant utility, but also improve the system of environmental legal liability in our country, is an important manifestation of social progress and development.



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