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发布时间:2018-02-01 04:56

  本文关键词: 刑事错案 刑事审判监督程序 完善 出处:《四川省社会科学院》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在刑事诉讼中,审判监督程序虽然只是一种特殊程序,它做为刑事诉讼中的一种救济机制,不具有普通程序的普遍适用性。但是,在长期的司法实践中,刑事审判监督程序对于纠正司法错误起到了独到的作用。因此,刑事审判监督程序在刑事诉讼的制度体系中占有重要地位。 近些年来,屡有重大刑事错案被媒体披露,有些刑事错案甚至十数年未得到纠正,而一些重大错案的纠正竟是依赖于真凶的出现或死者的复活,而并非通过正常途径的刑事审判监督程序获得,如浙江萧山五青年杀害出租汽车司机案,多年后真凶出现;辽宁黑山刘凯利杀害少女案,一个叫刘铁军的死刑犯临刑前在遗书中说明此案是自己所为,17年后,刘凯利由原先被判死缓改判无罪等等,一个个重大刑事错案,虽然发生率不高,但因长期得不到纠正,,当事人被严重错判甚至错杀,导致社会影响恶劣,这一切,使刑事审判监督程序饱受诟病。 人们认为,重大错案、冤案得不到及时有效的纠正,对当事人、对司法公正和社会正义都将造成严重伤害。尽管刑事错案的发生在任何社会、任何国家都难以避免。但如何对待刑事错案是考量一个国家法治发展水平的重要因素。对此,我们不能以“一事不再理原则和既判力理论”,阻碍刑事错案的发现和纠正。当然,尽管刑事错案的发生极大地削弱了人们对司法公正的信心,但从另一个角度看,却也为改革司法体制提供了凭证和机会。我们可以从刑事错案中寻找推动司法改革的现实方法。 作为刑事诉讼法中的刑事审判监督程序又称刑事再审程序,是对已生效裁判的重新审查及审理,对审判机关业已作出的错误裁决进行纠正,以达到保障公民的合法权益、实现司法的最终公正的目的。刑事再审程序的有效执行将在对司法机关形象和权威的维护,增强人民群众对国家司法机关的信任,以及全社会对法律的尊重等方面起到非常重要的作用。但目前,在我国的司法实践中仍存在着诸多问题,影响了刑事审判监督功能正常、有效的发挥。 本文正是因近期披露的一系列刑事错案引发的司法思考,借鉴国外刑事再审制度的理念和做法,根据我国社会的司法理念、实践经验等,剖析我国刑事审判监督程序中存在的问题,并从刑事申诉、再审启动、再审事由、再审机构等多方面提出完善我国刑事审判监督程序的对策建议。
[Abstract]:In criminal proceedings, the trial supervision procedures, although it is only a special program, it is a kind of relief mechanism in criminal litigation, does not have the universal applicability of the ordinary procedure. However, in the long-term judicial practice, criminal trial supervision procedure to a unique role to correct the judicial error. Therefore, important the status of the system of criminal trial supervision procedure in criminal proceedings.
In recent years, frequently a major criminal misjudged case was disclosed by the media, some criminal misjudged cases or even more than a decade has been corrected, and some misjudged cases correct actually appear to depend on the murderer or the resurrection of the dead, but not in the normal way of criminal trial supervision procedure, such as the Zhejiang Xiaoshan five young taxi driver killed the murderer case. After years of Liaoning Montenegro; Liu Kaili murdered girl case, Liu Tiejun called a death row before his death in a suicide note that in the case of their own, after 17 years, from the original Liu Kaili pipansihuan commuted innocence and so on, a major Criminal Misjudged case, although the incidence is not high, but because of the long-term not correct the party was a big mistake, even wrong to kill, cause social adverse effects, all of this, the criminal trial supervision procedure criticized.
People think that misjudged cases are not timely and effective, unjust case correction, the parties, the judicial justice and social justice will cause serious injury. Despite the occurrence of criminal crime in any society, it is difficult for any country to avoid. But how to deal with the Criminal Misjudged Case is an important factor of a national development level of the rule by law. In this regard, we cannot use the "idem principle and the theory of res judicata, hinder the Criminal Misjudged Case found and corrected. Of course, despite greatly misjudged criminal cases weakened people's confidence in the administration of justice, but from another point of view, but also provides vouchers and opportunities for the reform of the judicial system. You can find a realistic approach to promoting judicial reform from the Criminal Misjudged Case.
As the criminal procedure law in the criminal trial supervision procedure and criminal retrial procedure, is to re examination and hearing the effective judgment, judicial organs have made the wrong decision to correct, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, realize justice eventually. The purpose of the effective implementation of the criminal retrial procedure in maintenance the image and authority of the judiciary, the judicial organs of the state to enhance people's trust, plays a very important role in the whole society and respect for the law and so on. But at present, in the judicial practice of our country there are still many problems, affecting the function of criminal trial supervision, effectively.
This is caused by a series of judicial consideration of Criminal Misjudged Cases recently disclosed, referring to the criminal retrial system of foreign ideas and practices, according to China's social justice concept, practical experience, analyzes the existing problems in the criminal trial supervision procedure, and from the criminal appeal, retrial, retrial, retrial mechanism etc. many aspects put forward countermeasures and suggestions of perfecting the criminal trial supervision procedure.



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