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发布时间:2018-02-01 09:40

  本文关键词: 网络舆论 司法公正 社会网络分析 内容分析法 司法审判 出处:《湖北工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:信息网络化的双向传输优势,提供了民众关注司法审判的平台。然而,网络舆论对社会道德以是非为判断标准,在不同的情况下,法律意义上的公平和正义,有者不同的评价标准;再加上网络舆论主体的素质不高、偏情绪化,,更缺少应当的管理措施,让本来就不太好的司法环境,更加的被动。网络大众的舆论常常跳出了原本的范围,这种强有力的力量给司法机关中的人员产生了巨大的压力,对司法客观审判也起到了冲击。 网络中的舆论非常复杂,一般人很难辨别哪些是客观正确的,哪些是虚假的,这样产生的作用,不然不能被认为是都正确的,广大老百姓的美好愿望,也不能通过网络来全部实现。仅仅只能说是老百姓的一种强烈的愿望同司法公正的目标,天然的连接在了一起。怎样避免舆论同司法审判之间的不和谐,肯定是我们应当正视的问题。只有科学地、辩证地分析网络舆论对司法审判的影响,并在保证依法审判的前提下,利用网络舆论推动法治的进步,才能真正发挥网络舆论对司法审判的正向价值。 本文通过五个部分来论述:第一部分:详细说明了论文写作的目的、意义。在对国内外相关文献阅读的基础上,形成了比较详实的综述。 第二部分:概述了舆论、网络舆论、司法审判的相关概念,分析了他们之间的内在关联。其中对司法审判监督的论述,既总结了传统的监督方式,也分析了网络舆论的监督方式。 第三部分:从正反两个角度分析了网络舆论如何影响司法审判,既对影响的具体表现进行了分析,也对引起这些影响的原因进行了细致的分析。并以理论分析为手段,宏观分析为角度。 第四部分:以“7·20首都机场爆炸案”为例,对主题进行个案研究,分析网络舆论对司法审判的影响。采用社会网络的分析方法、内容分析的方法等实证研究手段。利用Ucinet和其它分析软件,对相关案例进行了数据收集和统计,并对所得数据进行了分析和解释,给出有针对性的建议。 第五部分:就司法机关在网络舆论背景下如何依法审判给出了相应的建议。如:提高网络认识、注重网络舆论数据收集,完善立法等。
[Abstract]:The advantage of two-way transmission of information network provides a platform for people to pay attention to judicial trial. However, network public opinion regards right and wrong as the criterion of judging social morality, and under different circumstances, the fairness and justice in the sense of law. There are different evaluation criteria; In addition, the quality of the main body of network public opinion is not high, emotional, more lack of management measures should be, so that the judicial environment is not good, more passive. The public opinion of the network often jumped out of the original scope. This powerful force exerts great pressure on the personnel of judicial organs, and also impacts the objective judicial trial. The public opinion in the network is very complex, the average person is very difficult to distinguish which is objective correct, which is false, such produces the function, otherwise cannot be considered to be all correct, the broad masses of people's good wishes. Can not be fully realized through the network. Can only be said to be a strong desire of the common people and the goal of judicial justice, the natural link together. How to avoid the public opinion and judicial trial between the disharmony. It is certain that we should face up to the problem. Only by scientifically and dialectically analyzing the influence of network public opinion on judicial trial, and under the premise of ensuring the trial according to law, we should use network public opinion to promote the progress of the rule of law. Only then can the network public opinion bring into play the positive value of the judicial trial. This paper is discussed in five parts: the first part: the purpose and significance of the thesis writing are explained in detail. On the basis of reading the relevant literature at home and abroad, a more detailed summary is formed. The second part: summarizes the public opinion, the network public opinion, the judicial trial related concept, has analyzed the inherent relation between them. Among them, the discussion to the judicial trial supervision, has summarized the traditional supervision way. It also analyzes the supervision way of network public opinion. The third part: from the perspective of positive and negative analysis of the network public opinion how to influence the judicial trial, both the impact of the specific performance of the analysis. The causes of these effects are also analyzed in detail, and the theoretical analysis is taken as the means and the macroscopic analysis is taken as the angle. Part 4th: taking the bombing of July 20 Capital Airport as an example, this paper makes a case study on the theme and analyzes the influence of network public opinion on judicial trial. The method of content analysis and other empirical research methods. Using Ucinet and other analysis software, the data collection and statistics of relevant cases are carried out, and the data are analyzed and explained. Give specific suggestions. Part 5th: it gives the corresponding suggestions on how to judge the judicial organs according to law under the background of network public opinion, such as improving the understanding of the network, paying attention to the data collection of public opinion on the network, perfecting the legislation and so on.


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