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发布时间:2018-02-04 07:41

  本文关键词: 强制执行申请 审查制度 审查标准 形式审查 实质审查 出处:《广东财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:2012年实施的《中华人民共和国行政强制法》使我国的非诉强制执行制度得到了进一步完善。其既赋予法院审查权,以保护当事人的合法权益,,又简化了审查程序,采取以形式审查为原则,以实质审查为例外。但是,法院进行审查的具体标准是什么,审查程度如何,学术界观点不同。另外,对不予强制执行的行政行为采取三条“明显违法”的标准,审查标准较为原则,操作性不强。本文的写作目的在于进一步细化完善对行政强制执行申请的审查标准,增强其在法院实际审查过程中的可操作性。 本文通过介绍法院对行政机关强制执行申请的概念和性质,引出法院对行政机关强制执行申请的审查程序,审查标准等基础理论问题的分析,指出我国强制执行申请审查制度的现状和存在的问题和不足。同时借鉴国外制度中适合我国国情的先进之处,围绕我国存在的问题展开分析,提出法院对行政机关强制执行申请审查制度的完善建议,使强制执行审查制度在实务中更具有操作性。 通过对这一选题的研究,希望能在对理论探讨和制度完善的层面上达到监督行政机关依法行使行政职权,维护司法公正,保证行政强制执行的效率和维护行政相对人的合法权益这些效果。
[Abstract]:In 2012, the Administrative compulsory Law of the people's Republic of China (PRC) made the enforcement system of non-litigation in our country more perfect. It not only gives the court the power to review, but also protects the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. It also simplifies the review procedure and adopts the principle of formal review with the exception of substantive review. However, what are the specific criteria for the review by the court, what is the extent of the review, and the academic community has different views... in addition. The standard of "obvious violation" should be adopted for the administrative act that is not enforced, and the standard of examination is more principle. The purpose of this paper is to further refine and perfect the examination standard of administrative enforcement application and enhance its maneuverability in the actual examination process of the court. This paper introduces the concept and nature of the court's application for the enforcement of administrative organs, and leads to the analysis of the basic theoretical issues such as the examination procedure and the standards of the court's application for the enforcement of the administrative organ. This paper points out the current situation, existing problems and shortcomings of China's compulsory application examination system. At the same time, drawing lessons from the advanced points of the foreign system suitable for our country's national conditions, this paper analyzes the existing problems in our country. The author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the system of compulsory application for examination of administrative organs, which makes the system of compulsory execution of examination more operable in practice. Through the study of this topic, I hope to be able to improve the theoretical level and system to supervise the administrative organs to exercise their administrative functions and powers according to the law, and to maintain judicial justice. To ensure the efficiency of administrative enforcement and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart these effects.


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