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发布时间:2018-02-09 05:36

  本文关键词: 刑事诉讼 电子证据 真实性 合法性 出处:《郑州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the context of the rapid expansion of the electronic information industry, the network and electronic equipment have developed into a part closely related to social life. In the legal field, electronic evidence is gradually showing its irreplaceable evidentiary ability. However, compared with other countries in the world where the electronic information industry is also developed, the legislation on electronic evidence in our country is not complete enough to deal with all kinds of problems in judicial practice. As early as 2011, Wu Bangguo, then chairman of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress, declared that the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics had been formed, and at the same time pointed out that it was not perfect. The legislative framework of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics still needs a complete electronic evidence law or even evidence law to fill it. Therefore, whether from the current needs of judicial practice or from the long-term consideration of the complete construction of our legal system, It is urgent to formulate the rules of admissibility of electronic evidence. The rules of admissibility of electronic evidence envisaged in this paper are dominated by relevance, authenticity and legality, and are supported by the rules of exclusion of illegal evidence and the rules of best evidence. The various types of evidentiary rules involved are limited to discussions within the scope of admissibility of electronic evidence and are not intended to establish a complete system of evidence rules and evidence certification. In the rules, the determination of the admissibility of electronic evidence, Based on the classification of different types of electronic evidence, according to the difference of influence between human factors and equipment factors in the process of producing electronic evidence, it is divided into electronic generated evidence, electronic storage evidence and electronic mixed evidence. There are many types of electronic evidence, some of which are divided into electronic physical evidence, e-book evidence and electronic witness testimony due to the consideration of convergence with the traditional evidence types. There are also technical considerations regarding the classification of electronic evidence into data message evidence, subsidiary information evidence and system environment evidence, but these classifications are of little significance to the electronic evidence rules that are yet to be established, The reason why electronic evidence is singled out as a new type of evidence is that it may be mixed into subjective factors as compared with traditional physical evidence, and that electronic evidence is quite objective in comparison with traditional verbal evidence. It is not suitable to be classified as either physical evidence or verbal evidence. It is a "four differences". The classification method used in this paper captures this essential characteristic. Based on this classification method, for different types of electronic evidence, Its authenticity, legitimacy and exclusionary mechanism of illegal evidence are different. For example, electronic storage evidence can be regarded as verbal evidence because only factors involving human manipulation can be regarded as verbal evidence. Illegally obtained electronic storage evidence should be absolutely excluded; the electronic generated evidence is entirely produced by the equipment and has strong objectivity and can be regarded as physical evidence. In the case of illegally obtained evidence, if it can be corrected or reasonably explained, it shall not be excluded. In addition, In view of the introduction of the expert assistant system in our country, the validity of electronic evidence obtained by experts still has some obstacles in the application of the law. As a non-investigative subject, professionals do not possess the qualification to obtain evidence, and the legality of obtaining evidence needs to be further clarified.


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