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发布时间:2018-02-09 08:56

  本文关键词: 刑事裁判文书 评价参数 优秀 形式 实质 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Judicial documents are the ultimate carrier of judicial justice, which is conducive to ensuring the implementation of national laws. They can reflect the comprehensive quality of judges and the quality of handling cases, and are important materials for expanding the publicity of the legal system. However, in a long period of time, the judicial documents can reflect the comprehensive quality of judges and the quality of handling cases. Judicial documents have not received the due attention in legal practice, legal education and legal research. Nowadays, with the increase of attention to adjudicative documents, the relevant studies are also increasing, but most of them are the language of the study of adjudicative documents. In addition, in practice, there are many problems in the judicial documents, the quality of which is uneven, which has damaged the credibility of the administration of justice, and the deepening of the judicial reform. It also provides a good environment for the improvement of the quality of criminal adjudicative documents. In view of the particularity of criminal cases and the importance of criminal adjudication, This paper mainly focuses on how to achieve excellence in criminal adjudicative documents. The discussion of this problem is not only a theoretical problem but also a practical one. This paper begins with the improvement of criminal adjudicative documents and its important value. This paper emphasizes the importance of excellent criminal adjudicative documents, and then introduces the problems existing in criminal adjudicative documents, and then leads to the standards and evaluation parameters of excellent criminal adjudicative documents. In the end, the author analyzes the essential elements of the excellent criminal adjudicative documents and puts forward some suggestions, which can provide valuable reference for the making and reform of criminal adjudicative documents.


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