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发布时间:2018-02-13 18:07

  本文关键词: 小额诉讼制度 诉讼权利 实体权利 出处:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国社会主义市场经济的日益发展,人们法律意识逐渐增强,越来越多的人选择通过诉讼的方式来解决生活中出现的各类民事纠纷,而在这些诉讼中,小额的民事纠纷占据了相当大的比重,这就要求人民法院拥有高效率的审判能力。但是,我国的司法资源匮乏显然不能满足民众的需求。在这样的背景下,我国在修订《民事诉讼法》时建立了小额诉讼制度。 本文基于我国《民事诉讼法》第一百六十二条的规定,结合其他国家和地区已成熟的小额诉讼制度,分析了我国现有的小额诉讼制度存在的问题,并最终提出相对应的完善建议。笔者认为,目前我国小额诉讼制度存在三个问题:无程序选择权、无相应的救济方式、未对滥诉行为进行限制。 针对无程序选择权的问题,笔者建议应赋予当事人适当的程序选择权,主体包括原告和被告双方。以诉讼标的额为标准,在法律规定的数额以下的案件强制适用小额诉讼程序,当事人无程序选择权;在高于该数额一定比例的案件,原、被告双方达成一致的书面合意后,人民法院可以适用小额诉讼程序进行审理。 针对无相应救济方式的问题,笔者建议可以通过裁判异议的方式进行救济。任意一方当事人自收到判决书之日起法定期限内,都有权向作出判决的法院提出裁判异议的申请,经法院审查,认定当事人提出的异议合法的,则诉讼恢复到口头辩论前的状态,依法重新组成合议庭,并依照普通程序进行审理并作出判决。 针对未对滥诉行为进行限制的问题,,笔者分别从两个方面对滥诉行为进行了分析,主要有原告恶意临时增加诉讼请求和被告恶意利用调解逃避法律责任两种情形。笔者建议,原告在提出增加诉讼请求申请时,法官依法将案件转化适用普通程序或者简易程序;被告恶意进行调解后拒不履行调解协议时,赋予原告起诉的权利,但仍由原审法官进行审理,若无新情况、新证据,可以通过书面审理做出裁判。
[Abstract]:With the development of socialist market economy in our country, people's legal consciousness is gradually strengthened, and more and more people choose to solve all kinds of civil disputes in life by way of litigation, and in these lawsuits, Minor civil disputes occupy a considerable proportion, which requires the people's courts to have high efficiency in adjudication. However, the lack of judicial resources in our country obviously cannot meet the needs of the public. Under such a background, Our country established the small lawsuit system when revising the Civil procedure Law. Based on the provisions of Article 162th of our country's Civil procedure Law and the mature small claims system in other countries and regions, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the existing small claims litigation system in China. The author believes that there are three problems in China's small claims system: no procedural option, no corresponding remedies, and no restrictions on excessive action. In view of the problem of no procedural option, the author suggests that the parties should be given the appropriate procedural option, the subject of which is both the plaintiff and the defendant. In cases where the amount prescribed by law is less than the amount prescribed by the law, the parties shall have no procedural option to enforce the application of the small claims procedure; in the case of a certain proportion above that amount, the original written agreement reached between the two parties of the defendant, The people's court may apply the small-sum litigation procedure to the trial. In view of the problem that there is no corresponding remedy, the author suggests that the remedy can be carried out by way of dissent from the referee. Any party shall have the right to file an application for dissent from the judgment court within the statutory time limit from the date of receipt of the judgment. If, upon examination by the court, the objection raised by the parties is found to be lawful, the action shall be restored to the state before the oral argument, and the collegial panel shall be re-constituted in accordance with the law, and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the ordinary procedure and the judgment shall be rendered. Aiming at the problem of not restricting the action of overcharging, the author analyzes the action from two aspects: the plaintiff's malicious temporary increase in litigation request and the defendant's maliciously using mediation to evade legal liability. When the plaintiff makes an application for additional litigation, the judge shall, in accordance with the law, convert the case to ordinary or summary procedures; if the defendant refuses to perform the mediation agreement after malicious mediation, he shall give the plaintiff the right to sue, However, the trial is still conducted by the original judge, and if there are no new circumstances, the new evidence can be adjudicated in writing.


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