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发布时间:2018-02-21 04:58

  本文关键词: 法官员额制度 司法改革 法官职业化 法官遴选委员会 法官助理 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In 1999, the first five-year reform outline of the Supreme people's Court was put forward for the post system of judges in our country, and it has been more than ten years since. During this period, the courts of our country are faced with the non-specialization and administrative management of the judges. The phenomenon of judges leaving their jobs has become increasingly fierce, and the plight of judges' work of "more cases with fewer people" has been faced with various problems. With the decision of the 18 Congress of our country to "further deepen the reform of the judicial system", according to the third year of the 18 session, In the spirit of reform of the fourth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee, the Supreme people's Court has clearly proposed to deepen the reform of the people's Court in an all-round way and to establish a system of. The practical significance of establishing a system of judges' posts is that, first of all, a clear distinction can be made between judges and trial support personnel, and judges refer specifically to those who exercise jurisdiction over cases, The others are the auxiliary staff who try the cases around the judges, changing the phenomenon that everyone in the court was called a judge in the past. Secondly, the judge is freed from the complicated affairs. It is helpful to improve the efficiency and quality of the trial and to safeguard the judicial justice of our country with more full enthusiasm and ample time for the trial of full-time cases. Finally, it is necessary for our country to realize the strategic goal of governing the country according to law. The building of a socialist country ruled by law has provided an excellent judicial team of formalization, specialization and professionalization. From June 2014 to end of 2015, the Central Committee approved three pilot units for the reform of the system of judges one after another. By the end of December 2016, all 27 provinces, districts and municipalities in the country had completed the selection and appointment of judges. In this reform of the judges' post system, The Shanghai Court, as the first region in the country to take the lead in carrying out the pilot reform of the post system, has published to the society a number of pilot plans on the reform of the post system. The contents of the reform and the steps of the reform have been specified in a more detailed and comprehensive manner. With the deepening of the reform of the post system, the reform is facing difficulties and bottlenecks. The current construction of the system of judges' posts involves the proportion of judges' posts and the selection criteria. In the process of promoting the reform of the judges' post system, we should pay attention to and face up to the problems, such as the job security and accountability of judges, the legitimacy of the system, the functional orientation of judges' assistant and post judges, and the transitional promotion mechanism. Actively explore and summarize. Through the scientific allocation of judges' posts and selection criteria, establish and improve the judges' occupational security and accountability mechanism, modify the relevant laws, and realize the reform of the judges' post system. A series of supporting measures, such as defining and perfecting the function orientation and promotion mechanism of judges' assistant, are made to improve and perfect the system of judges' posts.


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