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发布时间:2018-02-21 14:13

  本文关键词: 附条件不起诉 监督考察 检察机关 社会内处遇 出处:《江西师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The conditional non prosecution system is the purpose of the juvenile crime and wrong behaviors streaming out from the trial procedure, let the society reflect fault, to correct bad behavior, repair damaged social relations, reflects the modern education punishment and light punishment, the concept of restorative justice. How to attach a non prosecution supervision object study is the key to the correct implementation of the conditional non prosecution. Our conditional non prosecution system is implemented in a relatively short time, the conditional non prosecution investigation system is less research of supervision object, supervision and inspection work in various parts of the development is not balanced. The procuratorial organs in some economically developed areas to carry out special supervision investigation work, such as Beijing and the specialized construction of the specialized research base, to carry out supervision and inspection work of some grass-roots procuratorates of Shanghai through the government purchase of social service form, and more areas Supervision and inspection work has become a mere formality. Dangerous supervision is a correct implementation of conditional non prosecution system guarantee, in order to promote the conditional non prosecution object supervision system of theoretical research and practical development, the author from the following four parts of this system are discussed. The practice cannot do without the guidance of theory, the basic theory of the first the non prosecution supervision system of conditions are discussed. The development of conditional non prosecution order, and combined with the practice at home and abroad of the conditional non prosecution system, defined the concept and characteristics of the conditional non prosecution system, introduces the basic law of our conditional non prosecution supervision system. The second part discusses the basic task of the conditional non prosecution supervision system, supervision and management should include education, treatment, punishment and prevention of crime, repair the corrupted Society Will the relationship, helping the difficulties and assessment of quality supervision and inspection. The third part begins with the detailed rules for the implementation of the conditions attached to formulate two municipal procuratorial organs and three basic non prosecution system as the research object, and compares the relevant foreign practice, summed up the deficiencies in China before and when the conditional non prosecution supervision the investigation system in the judicial practice experience. At present, China's procuratorial organs to actively explore the supervision and inspection work, and achieved certain results, worthy of recognition. At the same time, not to prosecute the object of supervision and investigation work also has some problems on the condition, such as in the supervision and inspection of the form, the lack of supervision and inspection agencies, inspection personnel professional full-time, social forces to participate in education is obviously insufficient, causes between the participants in the supervision and inspection of the unclear responsibilities, bull management; in the contents of supervision and investigation of the set, in heavy punishment " "The difference is helping the tendency of light, the procuratorial organs around the large, some" outside the law "should be vigilant; in the supervision and inspection of the results, some can revoke terms lack of maneuverability, lack of objective and quantitative evaluation standard of the conditional non prosecution object of the supervision and inspection of quality assessment, the conditional non prosecution system it is difficult to judge the social effect. The fourth part, according to the existing supervision of our conditional non prosecution object inspection system, improve the searching path. First of all, should be based on the actual situation, choice of supervision mode. Separate execution mode of procuratorial organs in, should speed up the establishment of the juvenile criminal prosecution institution with independent preparation strengthen the procuratorial organs, supervision and inspection of the implementation of work ability; procuratorial organs leading mode, the procuratorial organs shall adhere to the dominant, and with the help of community correction, social workers and volunteers The power to help the procuratorial organs supervision and inspection, the establishment of special care education base, study on the floating population and the lack of supervision conditions. Secondly, the contents of supervision and investigation setting, should pay attention to special treatment and equilibrium in the balance of legal obligation must fulfill the requirements of the individual, to the obligation to choose additional. Finally, to actively build quality evaluation system of conditional non prosecution supervision and inspection of the object, according to the general process of evaluation, the lawful status, social adaptability, psychological status, moral level evaluation index system, introduces four kinds of evaluation methods, to guide and supervise the investigation of the main development of the conditional non prosecution object evaluation work. Finally, through the three aspects of suggestions in order to perfect our conditional non prosecution object supervision system.



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