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发布时间:2018-02-23 03:14

  本文关键词: 法律援助 博州地区 法律援助中心 受援人 承办人 出处:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The development of legal aid is of great significance to the construction of democracy and the rule of law and the development of human rights protection in our country. At the present stage, the legal aid mechanism provides the necessary services for the needy groups. In this paper, the author takes the legal aid practice of Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang as the research object, and makes a comprehensive use of the file analysis to analyze the legal aid service of a large number of citizens with economic difficulties. The research methods, such as questionnaire and case interview, comprehensively investigate the implementation and problems of the legal aid system in Xinjiang, and provide references for further improving the legal aid mechanism. The main body of this paper is composed of the following four parts: the first part, Firstly, the author takes the legal aid cases of Bole City in 2014-2015 as the analysis material to investigate the operation of the legal aid system and the handling of the legal aid cases in Bolo City. The second part, the author uses the questionnaire data, case interview records, Focus on the analysis of the relevant legal aid work, detainees and organizers of the work of the understanding of the work, summed up the differences between the evaluation and analysis of the reasons; the third part, the main problems existing in the legal aid work is the focus of this paper, The author concludes that legal aid is faced with the following main problems: limited object, narrow scope of assistance, low quality of cases, insufficient protection capacity, loophole in docking mechanism; part 4th, The author puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the legal aid mechanism, that is, to expand the scope of legal aid, to improve the quality of legal aid cases, to strengthen the construction of guarantee capacity, and to perfect the coordination and docking mechanism.


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