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发布时间:2018-02-24 16:27

  本文关键词: 行政诉讼 当事人 处分权 制度完善 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:无论从尊重个人主体性的宪政精神来说,还是保障当事人主体地位的诉讼理念来看,当事人处分权制度的构建和完善都是一项意义重大的工程。随着行政诉讼领域理论和实践的改革与发展,尊重当事人意愿、顺从当事人依法处置权利的行为,已得到越来越多人的支持。 但不得不承认,当前我国关于行政诉讼当事人处分权这一议题存在很多不完善之处,例如没有相关原则性规定的支撑,处分权的范围狭窄以及行使过程多受限制等。基于上述问题的存在,制度建设就显得尤为重要。本文在查阅相关资料的基础上,从五个方面对我国行政诉讼当事人处分权制度的构建和完善进行了阐述,并提出了具体的建议与对策,以期真正实现当事人诉讼主体地位。 第一部分介绍当事人处分权的界定问题。主要介绍在行政诉讼中处分权的行使主体、行使方式,权利的主要内容,并在此基础上区分行政诉讼当事人处分权与民事诉讼当事人处分权之不同,以及原告和被告之间在具体权利上的不同之处。 第二部分介绍我国行政诉讼中当事人处分权存在的正当性。从学术理论和司法实践两个方面进行论证,前者主要包括权利可处分的特征、行政诉权、程序正义等理论,后者则主要从提高司法权威、提高诉讼效率和减少当事人抵触情绪等现实意义上进行考虑。 第三部分介绍当前我国行政诉讼当事人处分权在行使中所面临的问题。主要包括三个方面:缺乏原则性规定,行使过程多受限制或侵占,得处分的权利范围狭窄。在第二个问题的介绍上,选取了起诉、审理和裁判范围、撤诉等几个典型环节进行分析。 第四部分介绍了完善我国行政诉讼当事人处分权的可能性,即当前所具备的得以完善的现实条件。随着国内行政诉讼理论和实践的发展,在参考和借鉴国外先进经验和民事诉讼相关规定的基础上,我国已初步具备了构建相应制度的可能。 第五部分着重介绍完善当事人处分权制度的对策。主要从以下几个方面进行:确立明确的处分原则,减少对相关权利行使过程中的限制和侵占,赋予当事人更多事项上的处分权,并且要妥善处理当事人处分权与法院审判权之间的关系,促使二者之间形成制约、监督和保障的良性互动关系。
[Abstract]:No matter from the constitutional spirit of respecting the individual subjectivity, or from the litigant idea of safeguarding the subject status of the parties, With the reform and development of the theory and practice in the field of administrative litigation, the behavior of respecting the will of the parties and obeying the parties to deal with the rights according to the law, It has gained more and more support. However, it has to be admitted that there are many imperfections in the current issue of the right to dispose of the parties in administrative proceedings in our country, for example, there is no support from the relevant provisions of principle. The scope of disciplinary power is narrow and the exercise process is restricted. Based on the above problems, the system construction is particularly important. This paper expounds the construction and perfection of the system of the litigant's right of disposition in administrative litigation in China from five aspects, and puts forward some concrete suggestions and countermeasures in order to realize the status of the litigant as the subject of litigation. The first part introduces the definition of the right of disposition of the parties. It mainly introduces the main body, the way of exercising, the main content of the right of disposition in the administrative litigation. On this basis, the author distinguishes the difference between the administrative litigant's disposition right and the civil litigant's disposition right, as well as the difference between the plaintiff and the defendant in the specific right. The second part introduces the legitimacy of the parties' right of disposition in our country's administrative litigation. The former mainly includes the characteristics of the right to dispose, the administrative right of action, the theory of procedural justice, and so on from two aspects: academic theory and judicial practice. The latter is mainly considered from the practical significance of improving the judicial authority, improving the efficiency of litigation and reducing the resistance of the parties. The third part introduces the problems in the exercise of the parties' right of disposition in administrative litigation in our country. It mainly includes three aspects: lack of rules of principle, restrictions or encroachment on the exercise process. The scope of the right to be punished is narrow. In the introduction of the second question, several typical links, such as prosecution, trial, adjudication and withdrawal, are selected for analysis. Part 4th introduces the possibility of perfecting the right to dispose of the parties in administrative litigation in China, that is, the realistic conditions which can be perfected. With the development of the theory and practice of administrative litigation in China, On the basis of referring to the advanced experience of foreign countries and the relevant provisions of civil litigation, our country has preliminarily possessed the possibility of constructing the corresponding system. Part 5th focuses on the countermeasures of perfecting the system of the parties' right to dispose. It mainly deals with the following aspects: establishing clear principles of disposition, reducing the restrictions and encroachment on the exercise of relevant rights, It is necessary to deal with the relationship between the party's disposition right and the court's jurisdiction properly, and to promote the positive interaction between them in terms of restriction, supervision and guarantee.


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