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发布时间:2018-02-26 18:36

  本文关键词: 新民诉法 审监庭 主要职责 变化与推进 出处:《宁波大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The first part of this paper mainly discusses the current situation and two main duties of the trial and supervision division of the basic court before the implementation of the new civil action law. The second part mainly analyzes the retrial review, the case quality evaluation and the third party's revocation after the implementation of the new civil action law. New functional changes and cause analysis in the areas of enforcement of dissent complaints and quality and effectiveness management of trials. For example, with regard to the review of retrial, the most intuitive change is to rearrange the retrial cases from the legal point of view. That is, a large number of retrial cases will be handled by the grassroots courts from the original intermediate level and the higher courts will be handled by the grass-roots courts, and the contradiction of more and fewer cases in the grass-roots courts will become more prominent; second, regarding the evaluation and investigation of the case quality, apart from the regular evaluation and investigation, the focus will be on the evaluation and investigation. In addition to the special evaluation and investigation, it is necessary to supervise and manage the trial process in all directions, mainly because of the arrival of the era of digitization. Only when we "speak with data" can we make all decisions more scientific and accurate; third, regarding the handling of the third party's revocation of the lawsuit, Under the background that the rights and interests of outsiders in cases of malicious actions have become increasingly fierce, the provincial court has assigned such cases to the trial and supervisory division of the basic courts in the court system; fourthly, regarding the new functions of handling the disputes filed by outsiders in the case, Different from the revocation of the complaint by the third party mentioned above, the trial Chamber has added this function not only because the trial supervision covers the trial, but also because of the necessary requirements of the execution of the case, as well as the objective need to implement the challenge system in accordance with the provisions of the Civil procedure Law. With regard to increasing the new functions of judicial quality and effectiveness management, with the advent of the era of digitization, the work of trial management has become extremely important. Doing this work well is conducive to promoting a virtuous circle in the overall work of trial execution. The third part mainly discusses how to better promote the five functions of the trial Chamber, such as: first, regarding the retrial trial, Including the determination of the competent court in the case of retrial and examination, the specific examination of the procuratorial proposal type cases, and the establishment of a system for answering questions voluntarily after adjudication; second, by strengthening the quality notification system of the case and strengthening the prior prevention, supervision in the matter will be carried out. Error-correction and other work after the event to promote the continuous improvement of the quality of cases in the whole hospital; third, regarding the revocation of the suit by the third party, it is a new content after the implementation of the New people's lawsuit Law, and has already carried out pilot work in a number of courts in Jinhua District in the province. This paper briefly describes the main contents of the system, highlights of the content, and finally to illustrate the case; fourth, on the implementation of the dissent of the handling of litigation, it is different from the third party to withdraw the action, In practice, how to regulate the abuse of the right relief system is a big problem. Fifth, how to promote the new function of judicial quality and effect management, first of all, the trial management system must be scientific and reasonable. Secondly, trial management should be studied and analyzed, and trial management needs the joint efforts of all chambers.


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