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发布时间:2018-02-27 02:24

  本文关键词: 民事虚假诉讼 案外第三人 法律规制 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:置身当今社会主义市场经济改革转型期,任何一个民事主体都要同外界打交道,从而产生各种各样的民事法律关系和法律纠纷。诉讼是解决纠纷,维护民事主体合法权益的重要手段,是保障公平正义的重要渠道。但是部分民事主体滥用诉权,采取相互串通、伪造证据、虚构事实的手段,骗取法院作出错误裁判,获取不正当利益。民事主体的这种虚假诉讼行为产生有社会诚信缺失、违法成本低、第三人救济制度缺陷、法律制裁措施乏力等多方面的原因。对此,笔者提出防范与治理民事虚假诉讼应当从完善社会诚信体系、完善立法、改进司法三个方面着手,更好的保障民事主体的合法权益,维护司法权威,实现社会公平正义。 本文属实务应用性研究课题,共分为三个部分。第一部分,从分析民事虚假讼诉的概念入手,结合实务中的案例划分民事虚假诉讼的类型,总结民事虚假诉讼的特点,深化对民事虚假诉讼的认识。第二部分,阐述民事虚假诉讼侵害司法公信力、浪费司法资源、侵害他人合法权益的危害,分析民事虚假诉讼产生的原因。第三部分,提出防范与治理民事虚假诉讼的对策与建议,包括诚实信用原则的有效运用、完善立法、改进司法三个方面。
[Abstract]:During the transformation period of the socialist market economy reform, any civil subject has to deal with the outside world, thus creating various civil legal relations and legal disputes. Litigation is to resolve disputes. The important means of safeguarding the legal rights and interests of civil subjects is an important channel to guarantee fairness and justice. However, some civil subjects abuse their right of action, adopt the means of colluding with each other, falsifying evidence and fabricating facts, and deceiving the courts to make wrong decisions. There are many reasons for this false action of civil subject, such as lack of social integrity, low cost of breaking the law, defect of the third party's relief system, weakness of legal sanction measures and so on. The author puts forward that the prevention and treatment of civil false litigation should start from three aspects: perfecting social credit system, perfecting legislation and improving judicature, so as to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of civil subjects, safeguard judicial authority and realize social justice. This paper is a practical research topic, which is divided into three parts. The first part, from the analysis of the concept of civil false litigation, combined with the practical cases to divide the types of civil false litigation, summed up the characteristics of civil false litigation. The second part expounds the harm of civil false litigation against judicial credibility, wasting judicial resources, infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others, and analyzing the causes of civil false litigation. The countermeasures and suggestions for preventing and controlling civil false litigation are put forward, including the effective application of the principle of good faith, the perfection of legislation and the improvement of judicature.


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